Wednesday 15 January 2014

Vitamin Soup

Vitamin Soup

Vitamin Soup

Eating certain foods for health and healing is an important part of caring for yourself. In this season, when so many fall victim to illness, it is important to have these healing soup recipes on hand. Eating in season follows the rhythm and cycle of nature; all of which is given for our vitality.

Autumn root vegetables are not only packed with vitamins and minerals needed for cold and flu prevention/treatment; but they are in season and very inexpensive this time of year.

1)Carrots – Carrots are loaded with beta carotene. They are very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, and a very good source of dietary fiber.
2)Potatoes - Potatoes are a good source of fiber and naturally low in cholesterol. They are high in vitamins and minerals. In fact, potatoes contain approximately 70% of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and are a good source of iron.
3)Parsnips - Parsnips are very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. They are a good source of potassium, vitamin C, folate, manganese, and dietary fiber.
4)Rutabagas/Turnips - The turnip is a non-starchy vegetable and adds a significant amount of vitamin C to the diet.
5)Pumpkin – Pumpkin is a good source of vitamin E, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, folate, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and it is very good source of dietary fiber. It is also an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, riboflavin, copper and manganese.

Herbs such as summer savory, thyme, and parsley have purifying properties and are high in calcium and vitamins C and A.

Note: It is always a good idea to have homemade chicken stock on hand, and the meat reserved in the refrigerator, ready for immediate use throughout the week.

The following traditional recipes use seasonal foods well known for their ability to restore health.

Vitamin Soup

-1 cup dried beans (I like small navy beans)
-2 cups diced carrots
-2 cups diced potatoes
-2 cups diced parsnips
-1 cup diced rutabaga (turnip)
-2 onions, chopped
-2 tsp. dried savory
-1/2 tsp. dried thyme
-1/2 cup fresh or frozen parsley, chopped
-2 cups cooked diced pastured chicken (optional)
-1 cup grated zucchini or pumpkin

Directions: Soak dried beans in water for at least 8 hours or overnight. Fill crock pot 1/3 full with homemade chicken bone broth or Vegetable Bouillon (see recipe below). Add remainder of the ingredients, except for the herbs. Let simmer on high until beans and vegetables are tender (6-8 hours). Add the herbs for the last 30 minutes of cooking.

Note: You may not have homemade bone broth on hand or you may hold to a more vegetarian/vegan diet. Either way, add a boost of nutrition to the above recipe by using this Vegetable Bouillon instead.

Vegetable Bouillon

-5 cloves of garlic
-4 onions
-4 stalks celery
-6 carrots
-A handful of spinach or kale leaves
-4 tomatoes
-2 tablespoons parsley
-1 teaspoon thyme
-2 teaspoons savory

Directions: Fill a large stock pot with pure water. Add all ingredients and simmer until vegetables are tender. Strain using a piece of cheesecloth (our hens love the leftover vegetable pulp). Store in glass jars in refrigerator for use in the short-term (2-3 days) or freeze for a longer storage solution.

A Recipe for Homemade Herbal Cold Care Capsules

A Recipe for Homemade Herbal Cold Care Capsules

I feel like my medicine chest isn’t complete without these homemade herbal cold care capsules.

Making my own allows me the freedom and joy of controlling the quality of ingredients. In fact, most of the herbs I use in this recipe come from my small backyard medicinal herb garden and are dried here in my own home. There’s nothing like knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt their potency!

How to Make Herbal Cold Care Capsules

This is one of my most effective and favorite remedies for combating minor cold and flu symptoms. After much research and trial on myself, family, and friends…I am sharing this recipe with you.

Supplies Needed

-The Capsule Machine (optional)
-”00″ gelatin or vegetable capsules


-1 part Echinacea angustfolia root powder
-1 part Rose hips powder
-1/2 part Thyme leaf and flower powder
-1/4 part Cayenne pepper powder


1. In a non-reactive bowl, mix all of the herbal powders together until well combined.
2. With the use of The Capsule Machine, fill as many capsules as you think your family will use within a 6-12 month period. Note: Don’t have a Capsule Machine? It’s okay…simply scoop the powder into each piece of the capsule and pack it tight prior to recapping the ends.
3. Store the capsules in a small glass mason jar and place the lid on tight. Keep in a cool, dark, dry place. These capsules should stay fresh for 6-12 months.

Click here to read more about making your own homemade herbal capsules…

To Use: A couple of weeks ago I was beginning to develop a scratchy throat (The way my body warns me of a coming illness). After drinking a homemade immunity-building tea, I took 2 of my Herbal Cold Care capsules and went to bed early. Upon rising in the morning I took 2 more capsules and that was the end of that!

at the onset of illness take 1-2 capsules every 2-3 hours (do not take more than 9 capsules a day). This regime may be continued for 2 days — after that you should reduce the dosage to 2-3 capsules two to three times a day (taking no more than 6 caps a day).

-Based on what you have growing in your garden or in a local field, you may use a variety of medicinal herbs in combination to create your own Herbal Cold Care capsules.

-As an alternative, you may consider using powdered herbs such as:
Marshmallow root
Goldenseal root
Lemon balm

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